Donation Forms

Online donation forms have been used as fundraising tools by many charitable organizations for years. While offering distinct advantages over in-person giving, online donations are not without their own pitfalls.

Online donations viewed through the prism of web payments

Surprisingly enough, there is no shortage of online service providers offering online donation processing services. However, after giving it some thought, the proliferation of the online donation software offerings should not come as a surprise. Most of the companies in this industry come from the financial sector, with tangible vested interest in everything related to payments. Web payments and online donations are no exception. In fact, online donation processing is a highly desirable business for any company making its living off transaction fees. A mouthwatering treat, really.

It is no secret that there is no way to accept payments or donations over the Internet with no fees involved. Somehow, someway, the fees will be paid — credit card processing networks will make sure of that. Therefore, the goal of every charitable organization working with online donations is not to eliminate the fees altogether — this is not possible — but to minimize the transaction fees as much as they possibly can.

Let's face it — it's easy to fall prey to the superlative marketing spiels of payment processing companies weaving the web for non-profits just like yours. All to make you start channelling your donations through their systems — and pay their fees. But at the end of the day, what really matters for any charity is the amount of money left for the good cause — after the overhead expenses have been subtracted.

And here is where Payformix comes in. We do not make any money off of your donations.

Payformix offers online forms for your donations absolutely free.

Online donation forms — beyond the fees

Payformix' free service for charities and non-profits is just a beginning. Payformix makes great web forms and we would love to share them with you.

Other online donation websites love to talk about their technical superiority while having you call and register just to see a demo — and then use the opportunity to lock your organization into the service contract. We think we can do better — by playing no such tricks on you.

Instead of talking, Payformix would like to show you your future online donation forms:

  1. Here is the demo (see how it only takes 47 seconds to create a donation form)
  2. Here is the pricing (absolutely free, no contract required)
  3. Here is the way to get started (again — free, and we respect your privacy)

Thank you for considering using Payformix for building your online donation forms. We will be honored to take part in your organization's efforts to make this world a better place.